IvyScraps.com 4th Birthday Celebration Blog & Facebook Hop (freebie)

Hey everybody! Ivy Scraps is celebrating their 4th Birthday! In honor of our birthday we're giving away a ton of great gifts! Every day will be a wonderful download and if you complete the special Birthday challenges in addition to the regular monthly challenges, you'll have a HUGE coordinating kit. Let me show you my previews. I have 3 DAD's (download a day), 1 Facebook freebie, 1 Numbers challenge freebie, 1 Use or Lose challenge freebie, and the blog freebie. Here are the previews: DAD Day 6 DAD Day 13 DAD Day 18 Facebook Freebie Numbers Challenge Freebie Use It or Lose It Challenge Blog Hop Freebie Here is the blog roll: LilyBelle Designs (you’re here) http://lilybellscraps.blogspot.ca Ivy Scraps http://www.ivyscraps.blogspot.com Waite for the Moment Designs http://waiteforthemomentdesigns.com PattyB Scraps http://pattybslittlespot.blogspot.com LizzyQX Designs http://lizzyqxdesign.blogspot.nl https://www.facebook.com/...