Hi again! I have a few layouts I've made, actually, four of them. I hope you enjoy and maybe get some inspiration from them. Again, I have links to the beautiful kits and the templates that I got inspiration from. Thanks for taking the time to look! Spittin' Seeds by Just So Scrappy Temlate is So Lo 12 by Dagilicious. Available here: https://store.gingerscraps.net/So-Lo-12-Template-by-Dagilicious.html Spittin' Seeds by Just So Scrappy Template is from Temp-ting Duos 5 by Dagilicious. Available here https://store.gingerscraps.net/Bits-Of-August-by-Dagilicious.html Raggedy Christmas by Sweet Pea Designs. Available here: GingerScraps :: Kits :: Raggedy Christmas Kit Template is from Temp-ting Duos 2 by Dagilicious. Available here: GingerScraps :: Templates :: Temp-ting Duos 2 Templates by Dagilicious Raggedy Christmas by Sweet Pea Designs. Available here: GingerScraps :: Kits :: Raggedy Christmas Kit Bits of August template pack by Dagilicious, Available...