*Gasp* April 9th

It's been an entire month since my last entry. I so totally blew it. LOL. I can't believe how crazy busy it's been in this household, and quite honestly I don't know why. It's been a daily struggle with homework and our daughter who is 8 years old. She has a "contract of smiles" that gets sent home with her on a daily basis. It goes something like this: Well, for the last several weeks all she's been bringing home were either 'straight faces' or 'frowns'. We've tried every reward and punishment we could think of. Quite frankly we were at the end of our ropes. Grounding her didn't work, taking things away from her didn't work, giving her rewards for 'smiles' didn't work. It was like she just didn't care one way or the other. We finally got an appointment for her with her new pediatrician. She's been having these horrible stomach pains and nausea. He put her on Prevacid. Now, when she was born she had gastr...