DigiScraps Drive-In Blog Hop (freebie)

I posted earlier about a charity collab that I was involved in. We all got together and decided to do a blog hop with this gorgeous kit!! My brag book offering is at the end of the post. Please remember that it would be wonderful if you #1 donate to this wonderful cause, #2 thank the designers at each blog you visit, and #3 remember that each image is "clickable". LOL Thank you!!! Spring Brings Hope benefits Jenna K of MN. Here is the info again: Jenna was diagnosed in Dec of 2009, with Post Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder, a form of Cancer caused by the anti-rejection medications she received following her transplant. She received a liver transplant in 1997 when she was 7 years old. Jenna is now home from her 1st Semester of college at Bemidji State University in MN, receiving a rigorous chemotherapy treatment for the next 6 months. This kit is sold at Digi Scraps Drive-In . 100% of proceeds from this kit will be given to Jenna to cover her medical exp...