Where has the time gone??
Goodness! The holidays came and went and I never posted. It got to busy around here. We started looking for a new home, as a matter of fact we are now home owners! Woo Hoo!!
We're still in the process of unpacking and decorating. We've been in the home since January 22! What an amazing day that was. Not only did we move into our new home but it was my honey and I celebrated our six year anniversary!! Here's a photo of our home:

This was from the first day we looked at it! I fell in love right away! I love the stones in the front. Anyway, this is one reason I haven't posted in a couple months. That and everything gets crazy during the holidays. From October through January is busy-busy for us. We have Halloween, of course, then in November my daughter has her birthday so we have planning for that AND Thanksgiving of course. December brings my favorite season followed by our busy January. Hubby's birthday on the 10th, anniversary on the 22nd, my birthday on the 27th; not to mention my aunt's birthday on the 3rd and my nephew on the 25th. January is a super-busy month!!
Now things are settling down a little bit! Today we had blinds installed at almost all the windows! I say "almost" because in each of the bedrooms there are small 'accent' windows that are up high in the wall. We're leaving those open for now. Maybe later we'll put something up at them.
So, let me see what I've done design-wise since my last post! (All previews are linked)
Here is "Hope". It's the second part of my three part set titled, "peace, hope & love". I'm working on the last part "Love", right now.
This one I created for the Divine Diva Deal. It's called "I Love Reading". It's made for all those book worms in the family.
This last one is called "Beary Sweet". It was created for one of the PROject Colour palettes at Divine. I also made a tattered and card-stock paper pack.

Anywho, thans for taking time to read about my crazy life and look at my previews! Hugs!!!!
We're still in the process of unpacking and decorating. We've been in the home since January 22! What an amazing day that was. Not only did we move into our new home but it was my honey and I celebrated our six year anniversary!! Here's a photo of our home:
This was from the first day we looked at it! I fell in love right away! I love the stones in the front. Anyway, this is one reason I haven't posted in a couple months. That and everything gets crazy during the holidays. From October through January is busy-busy for us. We have Halloween, of course, then in November my daughter has her birthday so we have planning for that AND Thanksgiving of course. December brings my favorite season followed by our busy January. Hubby's birthday on the 10th, anniversary on the 22nd, my birthday on the 27th; not to mention my aunt's birthday on the 3rd and my nephew on the 25th. January is a super-busy month!!
Now things are settling down a little bit! Today we had blinds installed at almost all the windows! I say "almost" because in each of the bedrooms there are small 'accent' windows that are up high in the wall. We're leaving those open for now. Maybe later we'll put something up at them.
So, let me see what I've done design-wise since my last post! (All previews are linked)
Here is "Hope". It's the second part of my three part set titled, "peace, hope & love". I'm working on the last part "Love", right now.
