Bunny Hop Blog Hop Day 3
Divine Digital Designer BLOG HOP
April 18 - 22
Each day we are hiding a "GOLDEN EGG" in the kits you will receive. The golden egg is a way for you to earn a special prize but to get this fun prize you need to LOCATE the Participating Designer Kit that contains the "GOLDEN EGG" for that day. Once you find it, you will have to follow the "BUNNY HOP TRAIL" - It will be 5 questions that you have to answer correctly so you can try and claim the golden egg prize. The first member to complete the bunny trail correctly for that day will win the prize! So look within the free kits for that "GOLDEN EGG"!!!
***NOTE - due to varying time zones - not all kits may be posted yet...make sure to visit them later in the day - as the "GOLDEN EGG" is out there!
1. Christine Smith Digital Designs - http://christinesmithdigital.blogspot.com/
2. Aimee Harrison Design Studios - http://girlboheme.com/gbstudios/
3. Studio RA Designs - http://royanna.blogspot.com
4. Susan Godfrey Designs - http://susangodfrey.com/blog/
5. Rose Made Designs - http://rosemadedesigns.blogspot.com
6. Girl in Pink Designs - http://lindsayheim.blogspot.com/
7. Kimberly Schlehahn Designs ---- YOU ARE HERE
8. Jennifer Z Digital Designs - http://www.digi-scrapping.blogspot.com/
9. Joyfully Yours, Susannah - http://www.joyfullyyourssusannah.blogspot.com/
10. Snips and Snails Designs - http://www.snipsandsnailsscraps.blogspot.com
11. Scrappin Wright - http://scrappinwright.blogspot.com/
12. ABCreations - http://anmariebowdencreations.blogspot.com/
13. Just Another Scrap - http://www.justanotherscrap.wordpress.com
14. Myriad Graphics - http://lulugraphics.blogspot.com/
15. Princess Lala Designs - http://princesslaladesigns.blogspot.com/
Here's what I have for you today:

Click the preview to pick it up.
Hope you have lots of fun hopping today!!!