Wow, okay it's been almost a full year since I've posted anything. I haven't even been doing any designing lately. It's been months since I've created anything except the mini for the Use It or Lose It challenges.

Things on my end have been crazy! My auntie, who was living with us and helped take care of things as well as taking care of all of us, passed away. She had been sick with an upper respiratory infection. She didn't have insurance and was waiting for the county to approve her for insurance. Then President Obama made the health reform and she was approved. However, waiting for her information, ie. ID card as well as provider information, was a long process. On January 16, I got a phone call from her. She was in her room and couldn't get out of bed. This was at about 5 am. I was finally able to talk her into letting me call 911. The arrived and took her straight to the hospital. I met them at the hospital. Anyway, I won't get into all the details except to say that she had pneumonia that wound up making her blood get infected. By 1:30 am January 17, she had passed away. I'm still doing my best to get used to not having her around.

When I say she took care of us, I mean she really did everything at home. She was our rock and damn I still miss her. The other night I had a dream that we were sitting in the family room watching a movie and she just walked right through the doorway. I woke my self up calling out to her.

While she was alive, she had three dogs that lived with her here at our home. So, we now have custody of those three dogs in addition to our three cats and one guinea pig. Sounds like a houseful of animals, but because they all get along and all three dogs are basically small (two chihuahuas and a dachshund) they aren't that difficult to take care of. Here's a photo that you all might enjoy of one of our cats, the dachshund and our guinea pig all loving on each other:

In March, I injured my back at work. I was put on light duty until May. In May, I lost my job due to some silly Major General in Washington DC. I'd been doing my job for eight years and working for the military for 10 years. So, she decided that any certified medical assistant that had been working in a "medical technician" position, was not qualified to do that job. So, after 8 years in the same job, doing the same thing, I wasn't any longer qualified. Funny, right. Not really.

So, I decided to go back to school. I'm finishing up at a city college here locally, and then I'll transfer. Right now I'm majoring in universal studies. But, I'm thinking when I transfer I'll be getting my teaching credentials. Either that or Library Studies. We'll see I suppose.

Summer sucked here at home. We missed the 4th of July festivities as well as all of Elizabeth's summer dance recitals. She was in the hospital for 4 (?) days. She had a stomach virus that made her stop eating & drinking, which in turn made her dehydrated and extremely constipated. We spent 4 days & 3 nights in the hospital. They did all kinds of testing and it all came down to a diagnosis of constipation, stomach virus, & slow moving stomach (which she gets from me). It's called Gastroparesis. The biggest problem we've had with her is getting her to drink. She wants milk, milk, milk. All the time. Yes, at almost 14 she still LOVES milk! I'm glad about that, but she also needs the water.

So, for the end of June through the middle of July we were dealing with her being ill. Then after she started getting better, I caught the virus. Uggggg, OMG I can't believe how quickly it hit me. I was fine in the morning but by the afternoon. I wasn't able to keep anything down. This went on for two weeks. I was into my doctor once, the urgent care twice and then to the emergency room. I wound up needing four bags of IV fluid. It took me three weeks after the visit to the ER to get back to normal. By then it was mid-August and we were ready to start school again.

Now, it's almost mid October and the holidays are all coming up so quickly. I've decided that I'm going to do a little bit of work every day to stay caught up with homework, as well as keeping up with housework. (still struggling after Auntie's passing). Plus, I have severe depression, still dealing with the back pain as well as the dumb worker's comp crap, & the fibromyalgia.

Okay, I think I'm done. It does feel good getting it all down. So, if you've gotten here then thank you very much for "listening".

One quick, Angel Dolly Designs & Ivy Scraps plug. There are lots of challenges going on right now. But next month we're having a birthday celebration. There'll be lots of cool challenges as well as all the monthly challenges. You should check it all out!

Love 'n hugs, Kimberly


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