Oh my goodness. It's been a crazy couple of weeks. We all ended up with COVID. Then I got pneumonia. I'm still fighting that, as well as the COVID cough, fatigue and laryngitis. But I'm getting better. Everyone else seems to have gotten away with just the cough and fatigue. I'm glad because we have a couple of family members who live with us that have some respiratory diseases. Luckily it only got them for a couple of days. I was so glad it didn't get worse.

I hope you all are having a safe and happy holiday season. I'm praying for everyone during this crazy weather time. 

I have a new layout. I finally was able to find some energy to get back to Photoshop. I'm glad, too. So, is what I wanted to get printed for our Christmas cards. But I got sick and didn't get it printed. 

This was made with Christmas Sweater by The Scrappy Kat. Available here: https://store.gingerscraps.net/Christmas-Sweater-Bundle-by-The-Scrappy-Kat.html

Tomorrow would have been my mom's birthday. She would have been 78. I miss her every day, but especially at Christmas. It was her favorite holiday. It took a while to get stuff decorated this year but all we have left is decorating the and wrapping the gifts. 

Merry Christmas everyone! I might have another layout in the next day or two. Blessings


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