1st Week of school and a freebie!

So, the first week of school was pretty uneventful. I briefly explained in my last post that Elizabeth's school got shut down at the end of the last school year due to budget cuts. The district decided that they would bus the kids from the old school to the new school. Right now the whole bus situation is a joke. Last Saturday we got E's bus pass in the mail. It said she was to ride the 7:40 bus. Umm, no way! School starts at 7:50, and she's supposed to be on the 7:40 bus, there is no possible way for that bus to make it to the school on time. We took E to school on the first day, it took us 30 minutes to make it there when it normally takes 5 minutes. The traffic was so backed up, it was incredible! According to the principal, it's gotten better each day. But the bus thing has me all confused. I take her to the bus stop in the morning at 7:10, which is in time for the earliest bus. There is also a 7:25 and then the 7:40, who knows what will finally be decided. I guess ...