Smooth sailing and a freebie

These past few weeks have been wonderfully uneventful. LOL. Don't you just love when things just go well. The only thing that's pretty much sucked is we went from nice "fall-like" weather to hot as hell weather. Does anyone notice that the seasons seem to be shifting? I mean for example, winter starts later and lasts later, then spring starts late and so on, and so on. My oldest niece, Kacie, and her fiance came down over Labor Day weekend and we all went to the Jelly Belly Factory here in Fairfield. It was our first time. It was fun but because it was on the holiday the factory wasn't actually in use. We still got to tour and see all the jelly beans "curing". It was cool!Elizabeth seems to be doing great in school. I'm not sure if it's the medication she's on for her ADD, maybe the fact that she's seemed to mature quite a bit over the summer, her new teacher, or maybe a combination of all of them but something's working with her. I o...