SOTB 5th Anniversary Blog Train Freebie

You can see in the slide show all the great kits you'll be getting as you hit all the following blogs. Here is the slide show:

Here is the list:

Scrap Outside the Box

(Digidesigned) byWilma

Missy's Bits

Caroline B.

Kimberly Schlehahn Designs <---- you are here

Danielle Designs

Scrapsational Scraps

Totally D Designs

Ilona Havenaar Designs

Garden Girl Designs

You can pick up my portion by clicking on the preview:


Thank you so much for stopping by and continue on to the next train stop!!!


Unknown said…
Thanks Kimberly for these beautiful goodies!
Rachel said…
I think I am officially in love with you LOL thank you so much!!
TerriM said…
Thanks for sharing your lovely kit for the STOB BT. Hugs!! (terri - hawaii)

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