DAD Coordinating Freebies days 29-31

Well, August is coming to a close. Absolutely unbelievable! It means we're 2/3 through the year...can you believe it?

Anyway, on to the previews for the last few days of August:

August 29:

August 30:

August 31:


Hope you all have enjoyed this month's DAD as well as the freebies!!


Van said…
Thank you so much for the bonus freebies!
marsie55 said…
Thank you so much!! Cant wait to get some time to use this kit and your wonderful blog freebies! xxx
rmdusell said…
Thanks so much for the wonderfull designs.
Chris Allport said…
Thank you so much for the wonderful freebies.

Lots of luv

jayleigh3 said…
Thank you for these little add-on papers and elements! You are generous to offer these additions to that huge kit collab! So, do you ever doubt the reason we are all so faithful to DD? Well, i think you all know why!
Anonymous said…
Thank you so much for the DADs.
Thanks so much for not only the daily downloads on DD, but all the great bonus freebies. You're so generous and I love your work! You rock!
boop52245 said…
thanks for the extras gifts from your generous heart everything has been so awesome thanks again

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